Creative Direction x Art Direction

Bad Gifts For Good

The holidays can be a stressful time. So instead of sending one more unwanted card or fruit basket to our clients, we decided to send a little catharsis instead.

We chose five iconic bad gifts and created an interactive experience where users could destroy them in creative and satisfying ways. We even gave client the perfect excuse to spend their entire lunch hour doing it. For every gift they destroyed, we donated $5 to charity.

Generic Seasons Greeting Card

Generic Seasons Greeting Card


Generic Seasons Greeting Card

Generic Seasons Greeting Card


Online Experience

Online Experience

Desktop 2.jpg

Singing Fish Death By Blowtorch

Social Teaser

Singing Fish Death By Angry Ginger

Social Teaser

Fruitcake Death By Explosion

Social Teaser

Fruitcake Death By Bad Dog

Social Teaser

Selfie Stick Death By Talons Of Fury

Social Teaser

Selfie Stick Death By Angry Gods

Social Teaser

Ugly Tie Death By Tiki Time

Social Teaser

Generic Soaps & Lotions Death By Spaghetti Western